member responsibilities

Charles Street Video Production Credits
Members must acknowledge CSV in the credits of productions using CSV equipment. For example: "Post-production: Charles Street Video". If in doubt regarding wording, please contact the office.

Copyright Policy
Members are solely responsible for the inclusion of copyrighted material in all visual and sound elements used in their production. Members and non-members agree to hold CSV harmless and indemnify it against any actions which may arise as a result of their unauthorized use of copyrighted materials.
When booking equipment through our on-line booking system we ask that members provide the name of their project, as CSV is occasionally asked to submit lists of productions made with CSV’s assistance to its arts council funders.

Member Meetings
CSV calls annual general meetings of its members to elect directors, receive the audited financial statements and allow members to discuss and raise their concerns and opinions regarding the running of the organization. Periodically, we may call other member meetings to discuss specific issues or concerns and to draw upon the membership's expertise or interest in new technologies, operating procedures or future projects. Members are responsible for attending these meetings to aid in the democratic process and to ensure that we meet our legal requirements for operating as a member-based organization.

CSV Facility Rental Procedures and Policies

Prior to their first facility booking, CSV members, including community-partner representatives, must undertake an initial building/ accessibility orientation with a CSV staff member. Members will subsequently receive a key
Members must inform CSV staff of any guests, who are also encouraged to attend the orientation cited above. Members are responsible for ensuring their guests adhere to CSV and TMAC policies, procedures and code of conduct.

Entering and Leaving Building
After-hours, CSV members and their guests must enter and leave the building through the TMAC side door only, which must otherwise always remain locked; TMAC doors must never be propped open. (The TMAC front doors are locked before 10 a.m. and after 6 p.m.) Upon entry and exit, please ensure the TMAC door is locked behind you. The interior door to the room one has booked must also be locked when not in use. To facilitate guest admittance, members must post signs that include their phone number at both the side and front TMAC entrances.

Other Facilities within TMAC
Save for the specific space(s) booked and the washrooms, CSV members working after-hours must not use or enter any other space within TMAC. The café is strictly off-limits after-hours.

Fire Alarm
Should a fire alarm sound, listen for instructions on the P.A. system. If so instructed, vacate the building immediately via the stairs at the front or side of the building. Do not use the elevators.

Site decoration/ art hanging
Please do not rearrange furnishings (tables and chairs in the workshop room aside), artwork, signage or equipment. No nails, screws, staples or penetrating items are to be used on the facility walls except with the explicit permission of CSV, and supervision by our Operations Manager or other staff member. No glitter or foil confetti is allowed on site. In some cases, low-tack tape or spray may be used on the walls. The cost of repairing any damage members/ users may cause will be charged to them after their event.

There is absolutely no drug use or smoking* allowed on CSV and TMAC premises or within 25 feet of the building (with the exception of smudging; please discuss with CSV staff before smudging). The member/ renter is furthermore responsible for enforcing the TMAC Code of Conduct cited above, and violation may serve as grounds for immediate expulsion from the premises and conclusion of the rental arrangement. No refund of rental fees will be made in such cases.
*Note that smoking may set off alarms for the entire condominium building.

Code of Conduct
Charles Street Video is located in the Toronto Media Arts Centre (of which CSV is a founding member), and adheres to the TMAC Code of Conduct, seen here:

CSV also has adopted and upholds the City of Toronto's policy statement that prohibits discrimination and harassment and protects the right of all its staff members, clients and visitors to be free of hate activity from, or within, the organization, and based on one’s age, ancestry, citizenship, creed (religion), colour, disability, ethnic origin, family status, gender identity, level of literacy, marital status, place of origin, membership in a union or staff association, political affiliation, race, receipt of public assistance, record of offences, sex, sexual orientation or any other personal characteristic. Details about City of Toronto Human Rights and Anti-Harassment Policy may be found here:

As a media arts centre, we occasionally expect amplified sound at evening events. Please be aware, however, that CSV/ TMAC is located in a dense, residential area, and we seek to be courteous neighbours respectful of the local community. In the event that a member/ renter’s event creates a disturbance due to high noise volume, CSV/ TMAC staff members and volunteers have full authority to ask the member/ renter, DJ or live music performer to turn down or turn off the amplified sound. If the disturbance is repeated, the member/ renter may be expelled from the premises. In such case, no portion of the event costs will be refunded to the renting party. Under Toronto Municipal Code 591, the playing of loud music is prohibited after 11:00 p.m. So long as the sound volume is modest, and inaudible beyond the boundaries of the property to TMAC’s immediate neighbours, it may be amplified outside those hours. During business-day events (9 a.m. - 6 p.m., Monday - Friday), amplified sound may be used only by special arrangement with CSV/ TMAC. Again, please do not interfere with or disturb other users and tenants of the space.

Serving Alcohol
A Special Occasion Permit (SOP)  must be procured for any event where alcohol will be served in TMAC public spaces, including CSV, without exception. All alcohol served at your event must be purchased under your SOP:
• post the SOP on the wall near the food and beverages, with levy receipts stapled to it;
• food must be served if alcohol is made available;
• alcohol may not be served after midnight, Sunday - Wednesday, or after 2 a.m., Thursday - Saturday;
• post “No alcohol beyond this point” signage at all areas not covered under your SOP and diligently monitor;
• absolutely no alcohol or alcohol containers are allowed outside.

Member/ renters are free to use the caterer of their choice.

Equipment load-in/ load-out
All load-ins and load-outs must take place within the designated time-frames: pick-up on first day of booking between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m.
• return after last day of booking between 10 a.m. and 12 noon.
All equipment movement, whether in or out, must happen using the TMAC side entrance and elevator. The front elevator must never be used for load-in or load-out.
Compliance with municipal, provincial and federal laws
The member/ renter agrees to comply with all applicable laws and shall conduct no illegal act on the premises.

Entry and exit
Member/ renters agree that CSV staff members or volunteers may enter and exit premises during the course of the room rental and/or event. A representative of CSV may be on site during the entire event and/ or periodically may check with the responsible parties to ensure everything is running smoothly. Staff members and/ or volunteers may also check the bathrooms, the overall premises, and where possible replenish hand towels and toilet paper. CSV personnel will be available for questions or to respond to needs or issues that may arise at any time.

Clean Up
Member/ renters and their guests are reminded to take personal items and any garbage and debris upon vacating the room(s) they have rented.


The ground floor washroom and toilet are wheelchair accessible.

There is a private accessible washroom on the second floor next to the all-gender washroom, and two accessible stalls in the shared washroom.

We use scent-free soap, and encourage all guests to attend our events scent-free.

We welcome and invite your feedback about how to make the space easier for you to use. Contact us in person, via phone or email with your suggestions or questions.

If you require interpretation, or have any other access needs or questions, please contact at least two weeks in advance. It is important to us to do everything we can to create a safe and accessible space.

Note: TMAC has security cameras at the entrances and in the hallways. These camera are not continually monitored but may be used to determine who is present in the building at any given time. The building does not have 24-hour security, and therefore is not completely secure. Please be mindful of your personal security and that of the building. If you need assistance related to security after-hours, please call Greg Woodbury, at 416-543-1018, or Henry Faber, at 416-879-8942


Office Hours: Weekdays 10:00 - 17:00
416.603.6564      Fax: 416.603.6566
76 Geary Avenue
Toronto, Ontario M6H 2B5 Canada
Connect with CSV

YouTube's CSV profile